Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Organic or conventional food? Choice hinges on your goals
Growers label their crops organic ... sort of
But Stemilt Growers Inc., a bit player in the stone fruit industry but one of the nation's leading apple suppliers, isn't waiting two years to capitalize on the switch. The company has created a new label — Artisan Naturals — to sell its naturally-farmed fruit, an effort to get a higher price for the fruit even if it can't yet come with an "organic" sticker.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Organic a serious commercial option for NZ food industry
Future bright for organic farming
Change Your Entire Dietary Lifestyle with Organic Meats
Court finds egg packer substituted organic with conventional eggs
Fairtrade: Is It As Fair As It Sounds?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
What it means to be organic
Organic Farming: Growing Green
From Oregon-grown apples to snake fruit from Indo-nesia, supermarket shelves in the UAE overflow with fruits and vegetables from all over the world.
But do you really know what is in, or on, the food you eat?
With numerous pesticide-related horror stories popping up everywhere, it’s no wonder more farmers are switching to organic methods of farming, and consumers are noticing the difference.
Eco-friendly wines
Many consumers are seeking an organic alternative to conventional wines.
As a result, more and more wineries are discovering added benefits of catering to public demand for organic. Biodynamic growing methods produce healthier vines and, in some cases, the wines are less costly to make. And there’s more: the wines can be more flavourful and more distinctive to the specific region and vineyard.
(want to know where to find these eco-friendly wines? There are lots of places listed in the wine section.)
Organic tomatoes are healthier: US study
Peruvian coffee eyes international market
Not a traditional part of the diet in this Andean nation, Peruvian coffee is grown in the tropical forest region, at altitudes of between 800 metres and 2,000 metres on the eastern slopes of the Andes, the Spanish news agency EFE said.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
More Del. farmers putting their eggs in organic basket
A hen with a crooked beak and one good eye roams Carolyn Donald's front yard in Georgetown, foraging for stray bugs, grass and grain.
Donald, an artist turned organic farmer, has set aside her front yard as a respite for stressed hens such as 8-month-old Giggles, who got pecked too often by other hens. A few other hens who are molting hang out in the yard regaining strength before resuming egg production.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Organic Olympic vegetables growing in importance
Organic growers feel left out of green campaign
Rethinking Organics
Monday, August 6, 2007
If you shop at Whole Foods...
Read all about it here.