Saturday, August 19, 2006

Is this a good reason to choose organic, or what??

The title of this article is "We Want Real Wine," but it's not just about wine. Here's an excerpt:
In his polemic We Want Real Food (Constable & Robinson, 2006) agricultural reporter Graham Harvey notes that in the UK in the half century between 1940 and 1991, vegetables have lost one quarter of their magnesium and iron, half their calcium and three quarters of their copper. There are two main reasons for this: the widespread use of pesticides has produced sterile soils. A teaspoonful of healthy soil contains a whopping 5 billion living organisms – almost the entire human population of the planet – from over 10 000 different species. In addition to mega fauna like dung beetles and earthworms that aerate and fertilize the soil, there are myriad species invisible to the naked eye.

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